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Head of School

Napa, CA, USA

El tipo de trabajo

Full Time


Mayacamas Countywide Middle School is seeking an experienced, dynamic, and passionate Executive Director/Head of School for our new charter school, which opened in Fall 2024. The Head of School serves as the lead administrator of the school and is hired by and reports directly to the Board of Directors.


The Executive Director/Head of School will have the following qualifications:


  • Visionary Leadership

    • Knowledge and Experience to inspire our  community to  another level of serving students.

    • Ability to develop a unified vision for MCMS and support the staff in implementing that visionAn understanding of how to model the beliefs and values that support the school’s stated vision and unite the community towards the common goal.

    • Proven track record of  community engagement, including building relationships with institutions, support organizations and potential donors that are aligned with our goals and support our vision.

  • Managerial Leadership

    • Experience managing a growing start-­‐up organization, specifically related to building and inspiring a strong professional culture, strategically aligning and securing resources, creating and implementing accountability systems, and managing transitions.

    • Three to five years of successful educational administrative experience, preferably as a principal or vice principal of a middle school in a large district or an urban area.

    • An ability to build and maintain a successful, collaborative faculty culture, and a track record of developing and promoting team members to roles of increasing responsibility

    • Proven experience in fundraising and grant solicitation

  • Instructional Leadership

    • Minimum of three years teaching experience, with a proven record of high student achievement

    • A Bachelor’s Degree from accredited college or university; advanced degree preferred.

    • A California Administrative Credential or equivalent in experience.

    • Evidence of successful administrative experience in a school serving a diverse student body, including English Learners, students with disabilities, socioeconomically disadvanged students and foster/homeless youth.

    • Demonstrated experience raising student achievement among a diverse group of learners.

    • Demonstrated track record of quality education and creative approaches to program management, development, and implementation.

    • Demonstrated knowledge of the evidence-based curriculum for grade 6-8th, Project-Based Learning  and  Social-emotional Learning strategies, and personalization/differentiation based on individual student needs.

    • Technological proficiency and interest in the potential of technology to impact urban education

    • Demonstrated proficiency in implementing successful data driven instruction and a data driven culture.

    • Ability to set a clear vision and goals, based on data, for effective instruction and alignment of staff to vision and goals.

    • Proven ability to create and model a culture of academic rigor for students and staff, a sense of urgency to address the needs of students and a relentless drive to attain results.

    • Proven ability to hire, train, develop and lead teachers and administrators.

  • Community Leadership and Communication

    • A strong belief that all students can learn at the highest levels and that all students can be successful.

    • Culturally-­‐competent leader who values diversity, engages in cultural self-­‐ assessment, skillfully manages the dynamics of difference, and has a high level of cultural knowledge and experience specific to leading inclusive organizations in diverse urban settings.

    • Excellent communication through different media and with a variety of stakeholder groups; strong presentation and interpersonal skills.

    • Able to create opportunities for students and families to learn about a variety college and career programs and financing, to build the Mayacamas College & Career Explorers Program

  • Organizational Leadership and Adaptability

    • Excellent organizational and time management skills as demonstrated by either a portfolio of implemented strategies or other concrete artifacts that illustrate the presence of these skills.

    • Adaptability to change; able to work in a creative and demanding learning environment and to problem-­‐solve and manage ambiguity and adversity.

    • Driven adult learner dedicated to his or her own professional growth.



  • Spanish proficiency preferred.

  • Five years of full-time teaching service preferred.

  • Knowledge of state and federal laws and regulations applicable to public charter schools.

  • A commitment to Charter School’s mission and vision and to working collaboratively with staff, parents, and Board members to make the best policy decisions possible for the success and longevity of the school and its students.

  • Experience conducting parent/community outreach.

  • Knowledge of and skill in effective budgetary processes and charter school finance.

  • Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with the community at large, including potential donors and community/stakeholders: staff, faculty, parents, Board, NCOE, and NVUSD.

  • Entrepreneurial ability to manage change and be responsive to community needs.

  • Ability to productively organize, communicates, and disseminates policies, strategies, and tasks.    




The Head of School will lead, manage and oversee all functions of individual school site, including: the education program to ensure high student academic performance; the budget to ensure fiscal solvency of site; recruiting and talent development to build a highly collaborative high achieving team; school office operations; community relations and facilities in accordance with MCMS standards, including the following:


Instructional Oversight

  • Oversee adherence to the Charter School’s philosophy, mission, and vision while serving as the chief administrator and instructional leader of the Charter School.

  • Monitor instructional and administrative processes to ensure that program activities are related to program outcomes and use findings to take corrective actions.

  • Hire, supervise, and evaluate the faculty and school site staff.

  • Observe and provide feedback for classroom observations.

  • Design and review professional growth plan goals.

  • Facilitate weekly professional development/staff meetings, summer professional development and pupil-free professional development days.

  • Develop and implement a plan that ensures high levels of student achievement for all students and includes: benchmarks, assessments, classroom data, parent and student feedback.

  • Develop and implement a plan to address students who are struggling through an MTSS model.

  • Collaborate with others to use appropriate data to establish rigorous, concrete goals in the context of student achievement and instructional programs.

  • Provide individual student support by designing and evaluating Individualized Learning Plans, student intervention plans, attending IEP meetings, and designing a process for measuring and monitoring individual student growth both individually (including the MTSS process) and schoolwide/subgroup.

  • Develop a plan based on the vision of the desired strong, positive, results-oriented school culture of MCMS that fosters strong relationships and meets the needs of all stakeholders (students, parents, and teachers) as it pertains to the MCMS culture,

  • Lead via assessing and developing processes for continuously improving the MCMS school climate and culture.

  • Work with faculty and students to implement a student discipline management system that encourages positive student behavior and enhances the school climate.

  • Ensure that school rules are uniformly observed and that student discipline is appropriate and equitable in accordance with the student handbook.

  • Conduct conferences about student and school issues with parents, students, and teachers.

  • Use appropriate and effective techniques to encourage community and parent involvement

  • Plan, facilitate, and attend school functions (in collaboration with appropriate staff) such as parent meetings, open house, parent teacher conferences, sporting events, fundraisers, etc.


Operational Functions

  • Report to the Board on all facets of Charter School operations; advise the Board on the need for new and/or revised policies and offer policy recommendations based on data and input from stakeholders and expert consultants (back-office, legal, etc.); collaborate with the Board in strategic planning and goal setting for the Charter School including preparing the initial LCAP and annual updates; providing input on the Board meeting agenda and helping to ensure compliance with the Brown Act, Conflicts policy/code and other applicable laws in conjunction with the Board Co-Presidents.

  • Develop the annual Charter School budget (including the LCAP) and any necessary revisions in collaboration with the administrative team, back-office services provider and stakeholders, and submit to the Board for review and approval. 

  • Oversee operating budgets (as approved by the Board) and continuously review financials including cash flow; seek and identify sources of income and funding resources for the Charter School.

  • Approve all purchase orders and contracts up to $5,000, subject to Board-approved policies.

  • Serve as the point person with County, State, and other governmental entities/community partners, ensuring effective communication and timely reporting.

  • Report to the chartering agency when required.

  • Attend District and/or County Board meetings as necessary and serve as the Charter School’s primary contact with County representatives.

  • Oversee legal matters in coordination with MCMS legal counsel and any outside consultants.

  • Ensure compliance of the Charter School site and through all operations with the applicable laws, regulations, and District/County/State policies regarding public charter schools.

  • Compile, maintain, and file all physical and computerized reports, records, and other documents required by law and MCMS policy, including accurate and timely reporting to applicable state, county and district entities, overseeing Operations Manager and other staff.

  • Oversee facilities development and management, for both short and long-term occupancy.

  • Manage use of school facilities. Supervise maintenance of facilities to ensure a clean, orderly and safe campus.

  • Direct and manage before- and after-school programs, elective enrichments and partnerships with community organizations that provide these programs (as applicable).

  • Demonstrate awareness of school and community needs and initiate activities to meet those needs.

  • Lead outreach and solicitation of fundraising and partnership efforts with foundations, corporations, universities, community services organizations, charter school advocates (i.e., CCSA, CSDC), and philanthropic partners.

  • Lead community building and outreach to families, service partners, community leaders, and others to establish MCMS as an important part of the Napa Valley community.

  • Oversee the charter renewal process and any necessary material revision requests.

  • Oversee all required reporting to the County, State and other relevant entities (e.g., grant funders), including leading the annual LCAP review, goal setting and budget allocation process.

  • Other duties as assigned by the Board.




We are strongly committed to hiring a diverse and multicultural staff. Please send a resume and compelling letter of interest via email to


Thank you for your interest in this position.

Sobre nosotros

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